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JS Business Solutions Blog

JS Business Solutions has been serving the Attleboro area since 2012, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How to Make Compressed Folders for Better File Sharing

How to Make Compressed Folders for Better File Sharing

ZIP files, the affectionate nickname for compressed folders, are quite useful for businesses. However, some employees don’t realize just how useful they can be or the benefits they are foregoing. Let’s discuss what a ZIP file is, how it can contribute to productivity in your office, and how to make one.

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Why You May Want to Reconsider Your Perception of “Enterprise” Software

Why You May Want to Reconsider Your Perception of “Enterprise” Software

Software is a big part of how businesses operate today. It helps with everything from managing schedules and paying employees to creating products and selling them. Simply put, businesses need software to run smoothly.

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Intro to Your Tech: RSS Feed

Intro to Your Tech: RSS Feed

You may have noticed a particular icon on some of the websites you’ve visited. An orange box with what looks like waves emanating from a dot in the bottom-left corner, this icon indicates that the website uses something called RSS technology.

So, what is RSS, and what is it for?   

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Intro to Your Tech: Wi-Fi Calling

Intro to Your Tech: Wi-Fi Calling

Smartphones are pretty ubiquitous nowadays, and they come packed with more features than most people know about, let alone understand. For instance, Wi-Fi calling… what is it, and what does it do to help you communicate?

Let’s get into it.

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You Have to Get Rid of Your Digital Waste

You Have to Get Rid of Your Digital Waste

Digital waste encompasses all the unnecessary data cluttering our storage systems until we decide to address it. This includes redundant files, outdated emails and chats, and forgotten photos gathering digital dust. While dismissing digital waste as a mere inconvenience is tempting, its implications are unfortunately significant.

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Intro to Your Tech: RFID

Intro to Your Tech: RFID

Information, and the transmission of it, has advanced by vast amounts since our ancestors first carved shapes into cave walls to record their hunts. Nowadays, information can be shared much more efficiently, thanks to a technology known as RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification. Here, we’ll discuss this technology and its common business-friendly uses.

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Intro to Your Tech: Dark Web

Intro to Your Tech: Dark Web

The dark web has a bad reputation - and for quite a few good reasons. However, like any tool, there is a lot of good that the dark web can be used for as well. Here, we’ll review what the dark web is, how it can be used (and abused), and what the landscape is like.

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Intro to Your Tech: Zero-Day

Intro to Your Tech: Zero-Day

While a technology exploit or vulnerability is never a good thing, hearing one described as “zero-day” adds another level of sinister malice to the term. However, it is still important to understand what is meant by zero-day, which is why we are going to review that term below.

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Tech Term of the Week: Blockchain

Tech Term of the Week: Blockchain

For our Tech Terms, we sometimes dig into the inner workings of your computer or other technology hardware, but sometimes we like to dig into details of new or emerging technology that’s taking the industry by storm. Today, we’re doing just that by discussing what a blockchain is and how it works.

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Intro to Your Tech: Uploads and Downloads

Intro to Your Tech: Uploads and Downloads

Computing is based on data - manipulating it, accumulating it, and transferring it. These transfers have names that most will find familiar: uploads and downloads. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at these activities, and how they present themselves during regular business use.

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Intro to Your Tech: Business Intelligence

Intro to Your Tech: Business Intelligence

Any business owner will tell you, the more you know about your business and its relationship with its customers, the better decisions you can make. For years, small and medium-sized businesses have been rolling out solution after solution to try and make their business run as efficiently as possible. Today, we’ll go into the concept of business intelligence, how it works, and why your business needs it.

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Intro to Your Tech: RAM

Intro to Your Tech: RAM

This week for our Intro to Your Tech series, we’re going inside the heart of the computer. Random Access Memory, better known as RAM, is an important part of your computing experience. RAM is often cited as one of the main components listed when someone is looking to sell a computer, but what is it and what does it do?

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Intro to Your Tech: Protocol

Intro to Your Tech: Protocol

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. File Transfer Protocol. Internet Message Access Protocol. Post Office Protocol. While it may not be outwardly apparent, we certainly rely on quite a few protocols in order to use our computers and more directly, the Internet, as we do. Today, we’ll introduce you to what a protocol actually is.

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Intro to Your Tech: Plug-In

Intro to Your Tech: Plug-In

Ahh, the Internet. It’s an incredible tool that helps people all over the world get work done on a daily basis. It’s often thought of as a tool to achieve a means, but like any other tool, it works best alongside others just like it. Plug-ins are additional ways that web-based applications and software solutions help make your use of them even better.

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Intro to Your Tech: Digital Twin

Intro to Your Tech: Digital Twin

It’s a scene familiar from many science fiction movies: a simulation pulled up on a screen, the effects of some proposed action being predicted and demonstrated, telling the heroes that their plan just might work. As it happens, this kind of process is no longer relegated to the sci-fi genre, and is used practically in many industries. Here, we’ll discuss the phenomenon of the digital twin.

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Intro to Your Tech: Software as a Service

Intro to Your Tech: Software as a Service

The public cloud is a massive industry with around $150 billion in annual revenues. Nearly half of that revenue is tied up in software as a service which has grown by about 20 percent a year for the past five years, and now makes up for over a third of all applications used in the world. Today, we will take a look at software as a service (SaaS) and why you should consider it, if you don’t use it already.

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Intro to Your Tech: The Blue Screen of Death

Intro to Your Tech: The Blue Screen of Death

If someone has spent any time around a computer, they will have (at least anecdotally) become familiar with the dreaded BSoD - the Blue Screen of Death. This fatal error has been the cause of much lost productivity and expensive support calls over the years, but despite its notoriety, not many know why it happens at all. That’s precisely what we’ll cover below, along with a few ways to diagnose the root problem.

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Modern collaboration platforms, like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, have considerably expanded how and where work can be done. Let’s go over how to use the screen-sharing features these three platforms offer. 

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JS Business Solutions is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our ser...

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